Maverick's Story

In August 2023, Maverick, once vibrant and healthy, faced an unexpected health crisis triggered by a common cold virus, plunging him into severe heart failure.

This critical turn of events necessitated immediate action, culminating in a lifesaving open-heart surgery the following month. Maverick's journey toward recovery saw the introduction of an L-VAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device). This remarkable innovation has become his lifeline, offering hope for the gradual healing of his heart. However, should the need arise, Maverick and his family stand prepared for the possibility of a heart transplant in the coming months, knowing well that such procedures may necessitate multiple interventions given the typical lifespan of transplant hearts.

In the face of an emergency, families often find themselves grappling with the immediacy of a situation, leaving little room to consider everyday essentials like meals. When Maverick entered the hospital on that fateful Sunday afternoon in August of 2023, Joni D'Alessandro of Christopher's Kitchen received a call introducing her to Maverick's family's ordeal. They were weary, emotionally drained, and could not even contemplate when they would next eat. Joni and Christopher's Kitchen swiftly stepped in to provide comfort through nourishing meals for Maverick's family and support system throughout his entire hospital stay, taking one worry off their list so they could focus on Maverick.

In these moments, we are reminded that food can do more than nourish our bodies; it can also embody compassion, love, and support during life's most trying moments. It is one of the most easily overlooked necessities, yet it is one of the most deeply appreciated when needed.

We welcome you to join us in our mission to alleviate the concern of where the next meal will come from for families and support systems of patients in the hospital units Christopher's Kitchen serves. Your donation today will enable us to continue nourishing and helping those in need during their most challenging times.

Together, let's continue working towards ensuring that no one faces the added worry of where their next meal will come from while caring for their hospitalized loved ones. Please, donate now to make a difference.

“The Food Bags provided through Christopher’s Kitchen have been a much-needed asset to our team at the Child Advocacy Center and ARCH clinic. Helping to provide the basic needs for our children and families has become easier thanks to this partnership.”

—Team Member at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh